AMBIO addresses the scientific, social, economic, and cultural factors that influence the condition of the human environment. AMBIO particularly encourages multi- or inter-disciplinary submissions with explicit management or policy recommendations. For more than 40 years AMBIO has brought international perspective to important developments in environmental research, policy and related activities for an international readership of specialists, generalists, students, decision-makers and interested laymen. 

Impact factor
2.025 (2011)

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Smells experienced in nature evoke positive wellbeing

Smells experienced in nature can make us feel relaxed, joyful, and healthy, according to new research led by the University of Kent's Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE).


Is the food that is good for us also good for the planet?

QUT ecologist Dr. Ayesha Tulloch, dietitian Professor Gallegos and UQ ecologist Dr. Rachel Oh analyzed 150 webpages from six world regions and found 83% of the 2,556 recommendations for food items that might "boost" immunity ...