Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health


Students need better access to sexual health resources

A national youth health study indicates that youth are delaying sexual activity until they are older; however those who are sexually active are less prepared and less likely to access sexual health services.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids with dogs or siblings more likely to be independent

Children with an older sibling and/or a dog are more likely to be allowed to walk around their neighbourhood on their own, according to new research led by The University of Western Australia.


Sun protection poor for NZ secondary school students

A University of Otago study that involved unobtrusively observing the sun-protective practices of students and staff at the sports days of 10 Dunedin secondary schools last summer has found them sorely lacking.


New study shows divide between rural and metro food prices

Victoria is probably Australia's most populated state, with the least number of areas that could be regarded as remote. Yet a new study reveals that Victorians living in non-urban environments pay more for healthy food than ...


Is community water fluoridation cost effective?

New research from Massey University shows community water fluoridation remains cost effective, despite an overall reduction in the average number of decayed teeth in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities.


Australia's soaring $3bn hangover bill

The cost to Australia's economy of alcohol and other drug related (AOD) absenteeism has soared from $1.2bn in 2001 to more than $3bn, according to analysis being published today by Flinders University's National Centre for ...

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