Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Gastro outbreaks hit elderly hardest

Frail elderly people living in residential care facilities are at increased risk of severe illness or death from outbreaks of viral gastroenteritis.

Oncology & Cancer

Outdoor workers face increased cancer risk

(Medical Xpress)—Perth researchers have completed a comprehensive study into Australian workers and their exposure to ultraviolet radiation - a known human carcinogen.


Socioeconomic status key risk for premature births

(Medical Xpress)—Women who live in poorer areas, are older mothers, smokers or are Aboriginal have a higher risk of having a preterm baby, according to a University of Sydney study published in the Australian and New Zealand ...


Suicide linked to partner violence for New Zealand women

New Zealand women who have experienced partner violence are more likely to contemplate suicide, according to New Zealand findings published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health last week.


Quad bike fatalities costly but manufacturers fail to act

Two University of Sydney papers published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health have highlighted the costs associated with fatal quad bike incidents and compared the behavior of the quads industry in ...

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