Autism Research

AUTISM RESEARCH will cover the developmental disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (or autism spectrum disorders – ASDs). The Journal focuses on basic genetic, neurobiological and psychological mechanisms and how these influence developmental processes in ASDs. The Journal encourages the submission of articles that take a developmental approach to the biology and psychology of autism, with a particular emphasis on identifying underlying mechanisms and integrating across different levels of analysis. Autism Research will publish treatment studies that also illuminate underlying mechanisms. Usually papers should be empirical, but the Journal is willing to accept theoretical papers if they significantly advance thinking. Individuals included in research studies can span the full spectrum of ASD, including the broader phenotype, and there are no restrictions on study participants in terms of age or intellectual ability. The Journal is willing to take papers reporting work on animals or fundamental biology that are directly relevant to a greater understanding of ASDs.

Impact factor
3.686 (2011)

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Autism spectrum disorders

Study links autism severity to genetics, ultrasound

For children with autism and a class of genetic disorders, exposure to diagnostic ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy is linked to increased autism severity, according to a study by researchers at UW Medicine, ...


Research confirms gut-brain connection in autism

People with autism often suffer from gut problems, but nobody has known why. Researchers have now discovered the same gene mutations—found both in the brain and the gut—could be the cause.

Autism spectrum disorders

New study links BPA exposure to autism spectrum disorder

A newly published study is the first to report an association between bisphenol-A (BPA), a common plasticizer used in a variety of consumer food and beverage containers, with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children. The ...

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