Brain and Language

An interdisciplinary journal, Brain and Language focuses on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying human language. The journal covers the large variety of modern techniques in cognitive neuroscience, including lesion-based approaches as well as functional and structural brain imaging, electrophysiology, cellular and molecular neurobiology, genetics, and computational modeling. All articles must relate to human language and be relevant to an elaboration of its neurobiological basis. Along with an emphasis on neurobiology, journal articles are expected to take into account relevant data and theoretical perspectives from psychology and linguistics.

Impact factor
3.115 (2011)

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Bilingual brains better equipped to process information

Speaking more than one language is good for the brain, according to new research that indicates bilingual speakers process information more efficiently and more easily than those who know a single language.


Learning dialects shapes brain areas that process spoken language

Using advanced imaging to visualize brain areas used for understanding language in native Japanese speakers, a new study from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute finds that the pitch-accent in words pronounced in standard Japanese ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Learning a new language alters brain development

The age at which children learn a second language can have a significant bearing on the structure of their adult brain, according to a new joint study by the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital - The Neuro at McGill ...

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