Brain and Language

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain structure of infants predicts language skills at one year

(Medical Xpress)—Using a brain-imaging technique that examines the entire infant brain, researchers have found that the anatomy of certain brain areas – the hippocampus and cerebellum – can predict children's language ...


How hearing 'twist my arm' engages the brain

Listening to metaphors involving arms or legs loops in a region of the brain responsible for visual perception of those body parts, scientists have discovered.


Intensive training for aphasia: Even older patients can improve

Older adults who have suffered from aphasia for a long time can nevertheless improve their language function and maintain these improvements in the long term, according to a study by Dr. Ana Inés Ansaldo, PhD, a researcher ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hear Jane read: Researcher gives new meaning to semantics

For years a key way of diagnosing dyslexia has been how well a person reads aloud. Similarly, the reading skills of adult readers also have been assessed by having them read words aloud. "The idea is that the more you read ...

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