Child Development

Psychology & Psychiatry

Culture affects the way we learn

In the wake of winning the first match of this year's State of Origin series, Queensland rugby league maestro Johnathan Thurston advised students from Cape York to prioritise their education.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The developmental origins of cultural learning

A new special section of the journal Child Development features studies that explore the ways children learn about their cultures, examining the strategies through which children begin to understand and adopt the practices, ...


Unraveling the gene-environment interaction

A special issue of the journal Child Development reports on studies that take important new steps in understanding how genes and the environment interact in shaping child behavior.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teens who help strangers are better off down the road

For some, helping family and friends is a natural part of life. Helping strangers is harder. It requires a sacrifice of time and energy for people you likely won't see again.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is your toddler ready for reading lessons?

Even before they can read, children as young as 3 years of age are beginning to understand how a written word is different than a simple drawing—a nuance that could provide an important early indicator for children who ...

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