Child Development

Psychology & Psychiatry

Challenging students benefit from limit setting

The teacher's interaction style can either foster or slow down the development of math skills among children with challenging temperaments. This was shown in the results of the study "Parents, teachers and children's learning" ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The analogy that builds human thought

When Niels Bohr hypothesised his model of atom with the electrons orbiting the nucleus just like satellites orbit a planet, he was engaging in analogical reasoning. Bohr transferred to atoms the concept of "a body orbiting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies can think before they can speak

Two pennies can be considered the same—both are pennies, just as two elephants can be considered the same, as both are elephants. Despite the vast difference between pennies and elephants, we easily notice the common relation ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children with disabilities can make competent witnesses

Children with intellectual disabilities—significantly low cognitive functioning coupled with significant deficits in adaptive or everyday functioning—make up 2 to 3 percent of the population, and it's estimated that 1 ...

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