Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging

Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging will focus on new translational and clinical research on noninvasive imaging technologies, including echocardiography, radionuclide imagine, PET/CT, cardiovascular CT and MRI, molecular imaging, and anatomic and functional vascular imaging. Timely review articles will include updates on current applications of cardiovascular imaging, new imaging technologies and their clinical roles, issues in imaging research, and translational aspects of molecularly targeted imaging research. Regular features will include series on advances and controversies in cardiovascular imaging, case reports, editorials, and letters to the editor.

American Heart Association

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Regular exercise can lead to heart disease misdiagnosis

Scientists have shown that people who exercise for even a few hours each week can enlarge their hearts. This is a normal and beneficial response to exercise, but until now has only been recognised in athletes. The researchers ...


Biologic therapy for psoriasis may reduce heart disease

Patients with psoriasis treated with biologic therapy, which are protein-based infusions to suppress inflammation, had a significant reduction in high-risk plaque in heart arteries, over one-year, according to new research ...


Arsenic in drinking water may change heart structure

Drinking water that is contaminated with arsenic may lead to thickening of the heart's main pumping chamber in young adults, a structural change that increases the risk for future heart problems, according to new research ...


Moderate drinking in later years may damage heart

Drinking two or more alcoholic beverages daily may damage the heart of elderly people, according to research in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging. The study correlated weekly alcohol ...

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