Communications Medicine


AI offers tool to improve surgeon performance

When surgeons are trained, they usually need the supervision of more experienced doctors who can mentor them on their technique. That may be changing due to a new artificial intelligence system developed by Caltech researchers ...

Health informatics

Subtle biases in AI can influence emergency decisions

It's no secret that people harbor biases—some unconscious, perhaps, and others painfully overt. The average person might suppose that computers—machines typically made of plastic, steel, glass, silicon, and various metals—are ...

Oncology & Cancer

An app to help doctors help patients with leukemia

Within five years, 25% of patients suffering from chronic Lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) will develop a serious infection or need early treatment for CL: 10% of these risk dying within a month.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimer's disease

The research uses machine learning technology to look at structural features within the brain, including in regions not previously associated with Alzheimer's. The advantage of the technique is its simplicity and the fact ...

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