
Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Visually perceptive moms are more sensitive parents

A new University of Virginia study has found that a new mother's ability to recognize positive emotions of the faces of other adults predicts how sensitive and responsive she will be with her baby four months later.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research shows the role empathy may play in music

Can people who understand the emotions of others better interpret emotions conveyed through music? A new study by an international team of researchers suggests the abilities are linked.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gratitude may improve your health

Be thankful for what you have—it might improve your physical and mental health, according to a new global study that uses cell phone data.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New tool assesses how well people read kids' emotions

Psychology researchers at North Carolina State University have developed and validated a new tool for assessing how accurate people are at recognizing emotion in elementary school-aged children. The technique will facilitate ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study reveals people with higher incomes feel more confident

Earning a higher income makes people feel more contented, confident and have a greater sense of self-pride—this was a key finding that emerged from a recent study that was conducted by Associate Professor Eddie Tong and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Living a stress-free life may have benefits, but also a downside

Stress is a universal human experience that almost everyone deals with from time to time. But a new study found that not only do some people report feeling no stress at all, but that there may be downsides to not experiencing ...

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