Frontiers in Neuroscience

Frontiers in Neuroscience is a field journal of the "Frontiers in" journal series. Frontiers in Neuroscience publishes articles on the most outstanding discoveries across a wide research spectrum of Neuroscience. The mission of Frontiers in Neuroscience is to bring all relevant Neuroscience areas together on a single platform.


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Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health

Groundbreaking research shows that neurological health depends as much on signals sent by the body's large, leg muscles to the brain as it does on directives from the brain to the muscles. Published today in Frontiers in ...


New study suggests rethink of dementia causes

University of Adelaide researchers have developed a new theory for the causes of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases, involving an out-of-control immune system.


Researchers identify osteoarthritis 'pain pathway'

Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered that a particular molecular signaling pathway plays an important role in producing osteoarthritis (OA) pain. Using a mouse model of painful osteoarthritis, ...


Scientists chase mystery of how dogs process words

When some dogs hear their owners say "squirrel," they perk up, become agitated. They may even run to a window and look out of it. But what does the word mean to the dog? Does it mean, "Pay attention, something is happening?" ...

Sleep disorders

Sick of CPAP? New insights into sleep apnea diagnosis

A new approach to measure the common sleep related breathing disorder, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), estimates that 20% of adults or approximately 1 billion people globally have moderate to severe sleep apnea which can lead ...

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