International Journal of Obesity


Sugar and sweeteners—how do they affect our appetite?

What should healthy young men who want to watch their weight and manage their blood sugar levels drink? Can they risk something sugary or will they be hungrier after drinking calorie-free options containing natural or artificial ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity: Tiny fat-burning molecule might help fight giant problem

A small molecule could provide valuable help in combating the global epidemic of obesity. When it was fed to obese mice, the animals' metabolism sped up and their excess weight was shed. It is doing so by recruiting the help ...

Overweight & Obesity

Blood sugar slumps affect how lean men treat the more rotund

When slim men suffer bouts of low blood sugar, chances are that they will make unfair decisions involving the more rotund people they engage with in the workplace. This is according to Achim Peters of the University of Lübeck ...

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