International Journal of Obesity

Overweight & Obesity

Is the cold weather making you hungrier?

If the winter chill is making you reach for the cookie jar, don't beat yourself up—your brain is hard wired to seek calories, particularly when it's cold.

Overweight & Obesity

Does weight loss reduce risk of early mortality?

The current recommendations from major health organizations stipulate that if an individual has a BMI in the obese range (>30 kg/m2), they should be counseled to lose at least 5-10% of their body weight. This advice appears ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity debate threatens sugary drinks industry

Soft drink companies see the obesity debate as the biggest threat to their products, according to leading nutrition commentator Professor Marion Nestle.

Overweight & Obesity

Antibiotics influence childhood weight gain

Kids who take antibiotics during childhood gain weight faster than those who do not, according to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research. Still, antibiotics are necessary in some cases.

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