International Journal of Obesity

Overweight & Obesity

Obese children's brains more responsive to sugar

A new study led by researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine finds that the brains of obese children literally light up differently when tasting sugar.

Overweight & Obesity

New sheep obesity research that could affect future generations

Obesity in female sheep during pregnancy can impact the metabolic profile and health of the animals' granddaughters, as well as their daughters, suggests a study published in the International Journal of Obesity Oct. 30.

Overweight & Obesity

Sugar substitutes not so super sweet after all

The taste of common sugar substitutes is often described as being much more intense than sugar, but participants in a recent study indicated that these non-nutritive sugar substitutes are no sweeter than the real thing, according ...

Overweight & Obesity

Looking at a low-calorie recipe results in purchase of fewer snacks

(Medical Xpress)—People who are overweight purchase on average 75% fewer unhealthy snacks in the supermarket if they see a recipe card at the supermarket entrance that contains references to a slim figure. This is the conclusion ...

Overweight & Obesity

Shorter sleepers are over-eaters

Young children who sleep less eat more, which can lead to obesity and related health problems later in life, reports a new study by UCL researchers.

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