International Journal of Obesity

Overweight & Obesity

Shorter sleepers are over-eaters

Young children who sleep less eat more, which can lead to obesity and related health problems later in life, reports a new study by UCL researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Obesity and depression linked in teen girls

Depression and obesity have long been associated, but how they relate over time is less clear. New research from a Rutgers University–Camden professor shows that adolescent females who experience one of the disorders are ...

Overweight & Obesity

Being overweight makes children less active

A new study from the University of Copenhagen's OPUS Research Centre reports that being overweight makes children less active. The findings underscore that parents of overweight children have an obligation to keep their children ...

Overweight & Obesity

Five regular meals a day reduce obesity risk among adolescents

A regular eating pattern may protect adolescents from obesity, according to a Finnish population-based study with more than 4,000 participants. When eating five meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks - a day, even ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obese stomachs tell us diets are doomed to fail

The way the stomach detects and tells our brains how full we are becomes damaged in obese people but does not return to normal once they lose weight, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.

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