Journal of Immunology


Watching assassin cells at work

L'Oréal Fellow Misty Jenkins and her colleagues at the Peter Mac have a paper published on Sunday that reveals how our immune cells kill damaged damaged, virus-infected or cancerous cells taking between one and two minutes ...


Immune cells found to prevent bone marrow transplant rejection

(Medical Xpress)—Cornell researchers have identified a type of immune system cell that prevents a patient's body from attacking donor cells after a bone marrow transplant, a condition called graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).


Efficient genetic modification of immune cells

A new method enables genes in living T-cells in mice to be modified quickly and efficiently. It makes use of plasmids, a tried-and-tested method of genetic engineering. Researchers from the Department of Biomedicine at the ...


Researchers discover how immune system kills healthy cells

Medical scientists at the University of Alberta have made a key discovery about how the immune system kills healthy cells while attacking infections. This finding could one day lead to better solutions for cancer and anti-viral ...


Invading worms cause the body to shut down defenses

When parasitic worms invade muscle tissue, white blood cells called eosinophils rush to the scene. A study published in the Journal of Immunology this month reveals that these cells actually start a chain reaction that stops ...

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