Journal of Immunology

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Study identifies a potential cause of Parkinson's disease

Deciphering what causes the brain cell degeneration of Parkinson's disease has remained a perplexing challenge for scientists. But a team led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has pinpointed a key factor ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

ANKRD55: A new gene involved in Multiple Sclerosis is discovered

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease, characterised by demyelination and the onset of chronic, neurodegenerative damage of the central nervous system. Right now, its causes are unknown although various self-immune ...


Slowing down the immune system when in overdrive

Many people suffer from chronic inflammation because their immune systems overreact to 'self' tissue. Sydney scientists believe that a small molecule known as Interleukin 21 is a promising therapeutic target in such cases.


Researchers design new anti-influenza drugs

Researchers at LSTM and Imperial College London have designed drugs which could help combat any potential new flu pandemic, by targeting the receptors of the cells by which the virus gains entry to the human body.


Researchers block B-cell AID, prevent diabetes in NOD mice

Researchers at The Jackson Laboratory, Cyteir Therapeutics and collaborating institutions have found a way to protect beta cells from destruction—achieving a longtime, elusive goal that could lead to therapies preventing ...


Immune cells regulate body weight

Obesity is among the biggest health challenges of the 21st century, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Almost 60% of Germans are considered overweight, while 25% are obese. Moreover, being overweight often ...


Receptor may hold key to multiple sclerosis treatment

(Medical Xpress) -- A receptor recently discovered to control the movement of immune cells across central nervous system barriers (including the blood-brain barrier) may hold the key to treating multiple sclerosis (MS), a ...

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