Journal of Neurosurgery


Using laparoscopy for ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement

Researchers conducted a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial at Bern University Hospital in Switzerland to compare a laparoscopic procedure with a mini-laparotomy for insertion of a peritoneal catheter during ...


Few operations for epilepsy despite their safety and efficacy

A study at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, has found that epilepsy surgery is a safe, effective and low-risk procedure. Nevertheless, few Swedes have the operation, and those who are interested may have to ...


Algorithm provides real-time neurosurgery link

Neuro-navigation technology is set to change the face of neurosurgery, with a simple computer algorithm able to convert pre-operative brain images into a real-time picture of the position of healthy and diseased tissues during ...

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