Journal of Pathology

John Wiley & Sons
Impact factor
7.724 (2010)

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Oncology & Cancer

Why some cancers affect only young women

Among several forms of pancreatic cancer, one of them specifically affects women, often young. How is this possible, even though the pancreas is an organ with little exposure to sex hormones? This pancreatic cancer, known ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Researchers tackle one of the biggest questions in dementia research

Researchers in Southampton are tackling one of the biggest questions in dementia research; why might current approaches in Alzheimer's trials be failing? The new study is published in the Journal of Pathology and funded by ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer turns blood vessels over to its cause

Cancer requires a blood supply to deliver the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow and survive. It had been thought that tumours create the blood supply they need by stimulating the formation of new blood vessels, a process ...


How fat takes over the lymph nodes as we age

Lymph nodes normally serve as the headquarters of our immune system. When we get an infection or are vaccinated, the lymph nodes are the sites where the immune cells congregate, are activated and proliferate so as to be able ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study pinpoints microRNA tied to colon cancer tumor growth

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have identified microRNAs that may cause colon polyps from turning cancerous. The finding could help physicians provide more specialized, and earlier, treatment before colon cancer ...

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