Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rewriting personal history by inventing racist roads not taken

In 2008, research showed that expressing support for Barack Obama increased people's comfort in subsequently saying or doing things that might be considered racist. Researchers argued that endorsing a black political figure ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Thinking of a loved one eases painful memories

(Medical Xpress) -- Here's another reason to keep a photo of a loved one on your desk. After recalling an upsetting event, thinking about your mother or romantic partner can make you feel better and reduce your negative thinking, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Here is what real commitment to your marriage means

What does being committed to your marriage really mean? UCLA psychologists answer this question in a new study based on their analysis of 172 married couples over the first 11 years of marriage.

Psychology & Psychiatry

You say you don't care about dating a hottie?

Stating that you don't care if you land a partner who is "hot" or "sexy" is relatively commonplace. But what people say they want and what they actually want are often two very different things when it comes to romantic attraction.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Negotiating: Careful choice of words increases chances of success

When negotiating your next pay raise, haggling at the flea market or selling a used car, attention should be paid to the choice of words. Because the findings of a recent study by Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Saarland ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Where entrepreneurship is at home

Entrepreneurship plays an important role for the prosperity of today's modern societies. Those who want to found a company under their own steam and who want to make it an economic success, need more than a good idea and ...

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