Journal of the American Heart Association


Trends in STEMI explored for women aged 18 to 55 years

For women aged 18 to 55 years, ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) hospitalization rates decreased during 2008 to 2019, with the decline driven by a reduced proportion of hospitalizations among women aged 45 ...


Home-based cardiac rehabilitation may help people live longer

Participating in home-based cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack or cardiac procedure was associated with a 36% lower likelihood of death from heart-related complications among U.S. military veterans within four years ...


Heart disease deaths declining, but not for everyone

Fewer people are dying from cardiovascular disease in the U.S., according to new research from the University of Georgia. But rural counties and those with a higher percentage of Black residents consistently experienced higher ...


Research network yields significant findings related to obesity

The Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) on Obesity has published its findings in a Journal of the American Heart Association special report, which hails the group's work as "the beginning of innovative science, ...


New blood test could save lives of heart attack victims

Researchers from the Herring group in Oxford's Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics have developed a blood test that measures stress hormone levels after heart attacks. The test—costing just £10—could ensure ...

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