Journal of the American Heart Association


Five great cardio workouts you can do at home

You might have heard that doing cardio, or aerobic, exercise is one of the best ways to keep your heart, lungs and cardiovascular system healthy and strong.


A heart-healthy life begins with good prenatal care

Statistics show more babies are born in August and September than any other time of the year. That means a lot of future parents will soon learn they're expecting. The American Heart Association says it's never too early ...


Uric acid linked to later risk for irregular heart rhythm

High levels of uric acid in midlife may significantly raise the risk for a serious type of irregular heartbeat in the decades that follow, even in people without traditional risk factors, new research shows.


Salt restriction does not lower blood pressure variability

Urinary sodium excretion and salt intake are not independently associated with 24-hour blood pressure variability (BPV), according to a study published online Dec. 24 in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

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