Journal of Traumatic Stress

Psychology & Psychiatry

When measuring resilience, the type of trauma suffered matters

In previous studies of resilience in people, researchers have rarely differentiated in their analysis between the types of traumatic events experienced by individuals. However, the type of trauma undergone seems to be a significant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Special efforts are needed to address trauma in refugee youth

In a study of children and adolescents referred for mental health services at US trauma treatment sites, there were important differences in the experiences of refugee youth who were displaced by war-related violence relative ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reckless behavior fuels ongoing stress for some with PTSD

Researchers with the National Center for PTSD at the VA Boston Healthcare System found that engaging in risky behavior—itself a symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder—could in turn lead to worse PTSD symptoms. This ...

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