
Medical research

Mosquito 'spit glands' hold key to curbing malaria, study shows

Mosquitoes can harbor thousands of malaria-causing parasites in their bodies, yet while slurping blood from a victim, they transmit just a tiny fraction of them. In an effort to define precisely the location of the parasite ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola transmitted via cough possible, not likely

(HealthDay)—Based on prior evidence, health workers dealing with Ebola primarily have worried about disease transmission from a patient's blood, vomit, and feces, all of which contain high levels of virus as symptoms progress, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Rats of New York and the diseases they carry

In the first study to look at would-be diseases carried by New York City rats, scientists at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health identified bacterial pathogens, including ...


How the human immune system keeps tuberculosis at bay

A new tissue culture model using human white blood cells shows how people with a latent - or symptom-free - tuberculosis infection are protected from active disease by a critical early step in their immune response, researchers ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study finds likely origin of lung fungus invading Pacific Northwest

Cryptococcus gattii, a virulent fungus that has invaded the Pacific Northwest is highly adaptive and warrants global "public health vigilance," according to a study by an international team led by the Translational Genomics ...

Medical research

A new rapid test detects a coronavirus infection in 10 minutes

An antigen-based detection technique developed by University of Helsinki researchers could be used to analyze as many as 500 samples per hour. In a recently completed study, the rapid test was able to diagnose a viral infection ...

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