Medical Journal of Australia

Oncology & Cancer

Patients suffer invasive treatments for harmless cancers

Australians are increasingly being diagnosed with cancers that will do them no harm if left undetected or untreated, exposing them to unnecessary surgeries and chemotherapy, says a new study published online today in the ...

Medical research

Women with stroke disadvantaged in critical treatment time window

Despite women with stroke being more likely than men to arrive at the hospital by ambulance, their care is less likely to follow a smooth pathway of care along the way, according to new research published in the Medical Journal ...


Study urges doctors to be on alert for deep vein thrombosis

General practitioners and physicians are being urged to keep a careful eye on the potentially deadly condition of deep vein thrombosis because the signs and symptoms of DVT are non-specific and often difficult to diagnose, ...


Sex and gender in health research: Australia lags behind

A consortium of leading research institutions and universities, including UNSW Sydney, have sent a stark warning that Australian medical research is in danger of falling behind its global competitors when it comes to sex ...


Procedure to plug a hole in the heart is effective and safe

Closure of a patent foramen ovale, or "hole in the heart," is effective and well-tolerated with low rates of complications, according to a narrative review published today by the Medical Journal of Australia.

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