Nature Cancer

Oncology & Cancer

Novel immune-oncology approach for potential cancer treatment

A research collaboration between Monash University and Lava Therapeutics details a novel immune-oncology approach for the potential treatment of cancer. Instrumental to the study was co-first author Dr. Roeland Lameris from ...

Oncology & Cancer

A blood test could predict who benefits from immunotherapy

A test which detects changing levels of tumor fragments in the blood may be an easy, non-invasive and quick way to predict who will benefit from immunotherapy, a treatment option for advanced cancers.

Oncology & Cancer

A metabolic enzyme drives lymphoma and is a potential drug target

Because of how aggressively they divide, cancer cells have an increased demand for building materials and energy. They meet these added demands by altering their metabolism—taking in larger amounts of fuel, for example.

Oncology & Cancer

Men more genetically prone to skin cancer

As COVID-19 restrictions loosen this summer, Canadians will spend more time outdoors and make the most of the sunshine. A new study from McGill University suggests why men may be more genetically prone to develop skin cancer.

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