Nature Methods

Medical research

A clear view of the nervous system

A new and versatile imaging technique enables researchers to trace the trajectories of whole nerve cells and provides extensive insights into the structure of neuronal networks.


New technique captures unprecedented view of the active brain

Complex cognition and behavior, in animals and humans alike, hinges on information flowing across a network of deeply interconnected brain cells. For scientists, the scale of that network posed a major obstacle to better ...

Oncology & Cancer

New tool helps find genetic culprits in cancer's spread

The ability of cancer to establish itself in distant parts of the body—called metastasis—causes 90% of deaths from solid tumors. Metastasis is the result of complex genetic interactions that have proven difficult for ...

Oncology & Cancer

Flipping the switch to better see cancer cells at depths

Using a high-tech imaging method, a team of biomedical engineers at the School of Engineering & Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis was able to see early-developing cancer cells deeper in tissue than ever ...

Medical research

Scientists use algorithm to peer through opaque brains

Trying to pinpoint signals from individual neurons within a block of brain tissue is like trying to count headlights in thick fog. A new algorithm, developed by researchers based at The Rockefeller University, brings this ...

Medical research

Scientists develop new tool to study nicotine receptors

A team of scientists has developed a new technique to better understand the effects of nicotine on the brain. In a study published in Nature Methods, the investigators described the creation of a novel light-activated nicotine ...

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