Nature Methods


A new way to watch brain activity in action

It's a neuroscientist's dream: being able to track the millions of interactions among brain cells in animals that move about freely, behaving as they would under natural circumstances. New technology developed at The Rockefeller ...


A one-stop-shop for brain imaging

The brain is a complex organ, and no one imaging mode can catch everything that's going on inside it. Over the years, multiple "brain maps" have emerged, each focusing on different brain processes, from metabolism to cognitive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Advancing the study of T cells to improve immunotherapy

UT Southwestern scientists have developed a new method to study the molecular characteristics of T cells, critical immune cells that recognize and attack invaders in the body such as viruses, bacteria, and cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Current cancer drug discovery method flawed, study finds

The primary method used to test compounds for anti-cancer activity in cells is flawed, Vanderbilt University researchers report May 2 in Nature Methods. The findings cast doubt on methods used by the entire scientific enterprise ...

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