Nature Neuroscience


Tracking the neurons that make us social

Human beings, like most mammals, need social interactions to live and develop. The processes that drive them toward each other require decision making whose brain machinery is largely misunderstood. To decipher this phenomenon, ...


Artificial intelligence predicts eye movements

A large amount of information constantly flows into our brain via the eyes. Scientists can measure the resulting brain activity using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The precise measurement of eye movements during an MRI ...


Dopamine's many roles explained

Among the neurotransmitters in the brain, dopamine has gained an almost mythical status. Decades of research have established its contribution to several seemingly unrelated brain functions including learning, motivation, ...


Mammalian motivation circuits: Maybe they're born with it

Are we born to fear punishment or crave rewards? Or do those capacities evolve with experience? Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Professor Bo Li and his lab found that mice have pre-programmed circuits that process "positive" ...

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