Nature Neuroscience


Research clears up how brain 'cleaners' fail in ALS

In preclinical studies, Mayo Clinic scientists and collaborators have identified the molecular mechanism used by the brain's "cleaners" as they remove a problematic protein in the brain. This work, published in Nature Neuroscience, ...

Medical research

Can a dangerous microbe offer a new way to silence pain?

Anthrax has a scary reputation. Widely known to cause serious lung infections in humans and unsightly, albeit painless, skin lesions in livestock and people, the anthrax bacterium has even been used as a weapon of terror.


New hope for people living with a genetic cause of autism

Fragile X syndrome, or FXS, a leading genetic cause of autism, affects around one in 4,000 males and one in 6,000 females. Its symptoms include increased anxiety, intellectual disability, repetitive behaviors, social communication ...


New technology is one step closer to targeted gene therapy

Gene therapy is a powerful developing technology that has the potential to address myriad diseases. For example, Huntington's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, is caused by a mutation in a single gene, and if researchers ...

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