Nature Neuroscience


Scientists develop brain organoids with complex neural activity

Researchers at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA have developed brain organoids—3D, brain-like structures grown from human stem cells—that show organized waves of ...


Brain cortex may regulate the need for sleep

Researchers at the University of Oxford have now uncovered a new target for sleep investigations within the mammalian brain—the cerebral cortex. The paper was published today in Nature Neuroscience.


From imaging neurons to measuring their true activity

When neurons communicate with each another, they transmit—or "fire"—small electrical impulses called action potentials or spikes. These action potentials are the fundamental units of information processing in the brain. ...


Retina 'hardwired' to predict path of moving objects

Neural circuits in the primate retina can generate the information needed to predict the path of a moving object before visual signals even leave the eye, UW Medicine researchers demonstrate in a new paper.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Discovery points to ketamine's long-term antidepressant effects

Building on recent research confirming how ketamine induces rapid antidepressant action, Professor of Pharmacology Lisa Monteggia and her collaborators show how the molecular mechanism of the gene MeCP2 and associated synaptic ...

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