Nature Protocols

Nature Protocols is an online journal of laboratory protocols for bench researchers. Protocols are presented in a 'recipe' style providing step-by-step descriptions of procedures which users can take to the lab and immediately apply in their own research. Protocols on the site are fully searchable and organized into logical categories to be easily accessible to researchers.

Nature Publishing Group
Impact factor
7.96 (2012)

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Oncology & Cancer

Harnessing the power of viruses to kill cancers

In the global hunt for both a cure and cancer treatments, researchers are finding it may be the very viruses we try to shield ourselves against that hold great promise in fighting the deadly disease.

Oncology & Cancer

Patient-derived and mouse endo-ectocervical organoid generation

A few stem cells, various growth factors, four to six weeks of time—and, of course, a great deal of expertise—are needed to create a scaled-down but nevertheless lifelike and functional replica of a cervix in the laboratory.

Oncology & Cancer

Technique predicts tumor response to cancer therapy

A public/private collaboration led by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin has resulted in a new mathematical modeling technique that can accurately predict the response of tumors in breast cancer patients to ...

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