
The Journal of Neuroscience is a weekly scientific journal published by the Society for Neuroscience. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical research articles in the field of neuroscience. Its editor-in-chief is John Maunsell, a Boston-based neuroscientist specializing in the visual cortex. Volume 1 appeared in 1981 and issues appeared monthly; as its popularity grew it switched to a bimonthly in 1996 and then to a weekly in July, 2003. Articles appear within one of the following four sections of the journal: In addition, some issues of the journal contain articles in the following sections:

Impact factor
3.292 (2009)

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Bone disease medications may reverse hearing loss

Preliminary findings from Harvard Medical School researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear may pave the way for trials to test bone density medications for hearing loss.


Forgetting is key to learning

Do you often feel overwhelmed with the amount of information coming at you? Forgotten your shopping list as soon as you've heard the sports results? Don't worry, it's all completely normal – and necessary – according ...


Exercise boosts brain health with chemical signals, study shows

Physical activity is frequently cited as a means of improving physical and mental health. Researchers at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology have shown that it may also improve brain health more directly. ...


Schizophrenia onset linked to elevated neural links

In its chronic stage, schizophrenia is typically marked by a dearth of links between brain cells in the prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain responsible for higher-order thinking. However, a new study by Yale and Chinese ...

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