
Overweight & Obesity

Study of 500,000 people clarifies the risks of obesity

Elevated body mass index (BMI) - a measure of weight accounting for a person's height—has been shown to be a likely causal contributor to population patterns in mortality, according to a new study led by the University ...

Overweight & Obesity

How has children's body image changed over time?

Results from a Chinese nationwide survey indicate that the prevalence of childhood overweight/obesity nearly tripled from 6.5 percent to 16.8 percent from 2000-2011, but children's perception of being fat remained at 2 percent. ...

Overweight & Obesity

Habit change is key to success for weight loss

Can experts in behaviour change help boost weight loss for overweight people? McGill University researchers think so: they report significant results—up to 10% of body-mass loss with this approach.

Overweight & Obesity

Lonely and prolonged struggle for people with severe obesity

The majority of people with severe obesity have a lonely and prolonged struggle with their weight. In one study spanning more than 10 years, 83 percent report that they constantly strive to lose weight or prevent weight gain.

Overweight & Obesity

Can excess weight in toddlers cause brain drain?

(HealthDay)—Extra pounds in early childhood may do more than put a child's physical health at risk—they might result in a slightly lower IQ, new research suggests.

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