Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Oncology & Cancer

After 40 years in limbo: Styrene is probably carcinogenic

For 40 years, researchers have believed there is an increased risk of cancer associated with styrene. Now, a working group under the auspices of the WHO and appointed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), ...


Doubt cast over face mask benefit

Face masks are a common sight in some of the world's most polluted cities but a recent study has cast fresh doubt over their effectiveness.


Air pollution linked to poorer quality sperm

Air pollution, particularly levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), is associated with poorer quality sperm, suggests research published online in Occupational & Environmental Medicine.


Excess heat significantly affects health of migratory workers

Hot weather is significantly associated with clinical visits among migratory farmworkers compared to other patients, according to a study by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) ...


Green spaces found to increase birth weight

Mothers who live near green spaces deliver babies with significantly higher birth weights, according to a new study, "Green Spaces and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes" published in the journal, Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Oncology & Cancer

French study raises questions on mobile phone safety

People who use mobile phones intensively appear to have a higher risk of developing certain types of brain cancer, French scientists said on Tuesday, reviving questions about phone safety.


Use of booze and drugs common among truck drivers on the road

The use of booze and drugs among truck drivers on the road is common, but seems to be mainly linked to poor working conditions, finds a systematic analysis of the available evidence published online in Occupational and Environmental ...

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