Physical Review X

Physical Review X (PRX) is APS's newest, online-only, and fully open access journal. Its broad scope encompasses all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics. PRX carefully applies highly selective editorial standards comparable to those of the top journals in physics and aims to attract, select, and publish papers that are exceptional in originality, substance, and significance. With its open access model and through innovation in content delivery, PRX disseminates important new results, both broadly and effectively, across the global science and engineering community.

American Physical Society

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Extreme events in the brain

Physicists at the Universities of Bonn and Oldenburg have developed a model whose behavior – although based on strict rules – can apparently change spontaneously. There are also changes of this type in nature, for example, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop new marker for cancer cell motility

Researchers led by Leipzig University have found a application in oncology for the scientific field of Physics of Cancer. This is a milestone for the new research field, proving its clinical relevance for the first time. ...