PLoS Biology


Learning motor skills requires the 'feeling' part of the brain

Contrary to previous research, a new study by Neeraj Kumar and David Ostry at McGill University shows that somatosensory cortex is involved in retaining new motor skills. Published in the open-access journal PLOS Biology ...


Brain stimulation reduces dyslexia deficits

Restoring normal patterns of rhythmic neural activity through non-invasive electrical stimulation of the brain alleviates sound-processing deficits and improves reading accuracy in adults with dyslexia, according to a study ...


Fluid flow in the brain can be manipulated by sensory stimulation

Researchers at Boston University, U.S. report that the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is linked to waking brain activity. Led by Stephanie Williams, and publishing in the open access journal PLOS Biology on March ...


To do or not to do: Cracking the code of motivation

Why do we do things? What persuades us to put an effort to achieve goals, however mundane? What, for instance, drives us to search for food? Neurologically, the answer is hidden in the reward system of the brain—an evolutionary ...

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