Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Thinking about germs makes people concerned about how they look

Simply thinking about potential infection seems to increase people's concerns about their own physical appearance, especially if they are chronic germ worriers, according to new research in Psychological Science. The findings ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Augmented-reality technology could help treat 'lazy eye'

When signals between the brain and one eye go awry, input from the other eye can become predominant, a condition called amblyopia or "lazy eye." Amblyopia is common and it is typically treated by forcing the less dominant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Employee-job personality match linked with higher income

An employee whose personality traits closely match the traits that are ideal for her job is likely to earn more than an employee whose traits are less aligned, according to new research published in Psychological Science, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Have you heard? Gossiping isn't all bad

Gossiping helps a person develop a better understanding of their society's expected behaviours, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Spanking linked to increase in children's behavior problems

Children who have been spanked by their parents by age 5 show an increase in behavior problems at age 6 and age 8 relative to children who have never been spanked, according to new findings in Psychological Science, a journal ...

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