Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fewer romantic prospects may lead to riskier investments

Encountering information suggesting that it may be tough to find a romantic partner shifts people's decision making toward riskier options, according to new findings from a series of studies published in Psychological Science, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New findings reveal social thinking in the infant brain

An innovative collaboration between neuroscientists and developmental psychologists that investigated how infants' brains process other people's action provides the first evidence that directly links neural responses from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Not all mind wandering is created equal

Mind wandering—sometimes seen as daydreaming or "zoning out"—has been shown to facilitate creative thinking and problem solving, but in the wrong context it can become distracting or even dangerous. Inattentive students ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Seeing isn't required to gesture like a native speaker

People the world over gesture when they talk, and they tend to gesture in certain ways depending on the language they speak. Findings from a new study including blind and sighted participants suggest that these gestural variations ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helmet wearing increases risk taking and sensation seeking

Wearing a helmet in an effort to stay safe is likely to increase sensation seeking and could conversely make us less safe and more inclined to take risks, according to a significant new study from our researchers.

Attention deficit disorders

Lead exposure linked to ADHD in kids with genetic mutation

Exposure to small amounts of lead may contribute to ADHD symptoms in children who have a particular gene mutation, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological ...

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