Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mimes help us 'see' objects that don't exist

When we watch a mime seemingly pull rope, climb steps or try to escape that infernal box, we don't struggle to recognize the implied objects—our minds automatically 'see' them, a new study concludes.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Training to wisely navigate social conflicts

Social conflicts, from policy debates to family disagreements, can easily devolve into angry words and personal attacks. Such heated confrontations, however, seldom resolve disagreements and can entrench opposing views.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why an early start is key to developing musical skill later in life

Among the many holiday traditions scuttled by pandemic restrictions this year are live concerts featuring skilled musicians. These gifted performers can often play with such ease that it is easy to underestimate the countless ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Visual illusion that may help explain consciousness—new study

How much are you conscious of right now? Are you conscious of just the words in the center of your visual field or all the words surrounding it? We tend to assume that our visual consciousness gives us a rich and detailed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality changes predict early career outcomes

Data analysis of a 12-year longitudinal study examining the importance of personality changes during young adulthood indicates personality growth has real-world career benefits. Kevin Hoff, assistant professor of industrial-organizational ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Positive outlook predicts less memory decline

We may wish some memories could last a lifetime, but many physical and emotional factors can negatively impact our ability to retain information throughout life.

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