Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Safe sex or risky romance? Young adults make the rational choice

Astudy published in the journal Psychological Science found that young adults—contrary to how they are sometimes portrayed in the media—tend to make highly rational decisions when it comes to selecting potential romantic ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Empathy prevents COVID-19 spreading

Empathy for vulnerable people in risk groups motivates us to use face masks and keep our distance, so that we help to prevent the spread of COVID-19, according to the study, which has just been published in the journal Psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Colors evoke similar feelings around the world

People all over the world associate colors with emotions. In fact, people from different parts of the world often associate the same colors with the same emotions. This was the result of a detailed survey of 4,598 participants ...


Study finds hidden emotions in the sound of words

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, it's common to feel stress levels rise every time we hear the word "virus." But new Cornell-led research reveals that the sound of the word itself was likely to raise your blood pressure—even ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stemming the spread of misinformation on social media

The bad news, not that anyone needs more of it: The dangers of COVID-19 could worsen if misinformation on social media continues to spread unchecked. Essentially, what people choose to share on social media about the pandemic ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women and men still choose partners like they used to

Women seem to care more about security, whereas good looks matter more to men. It used to be that way, and it still is in most places, regardless of the major social changes that have occurred over time.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reading your partner's emotions—when it helps, and when it hurts

Are you good at reading your partner's emotions? Your perceptiveness may very well strengthen your relationship. Yet when anger or contempt enter the fray, little is to be gained and the quality of your relationship tanks, ...

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