Sex Roles

Sex Roles is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Springer. The Editor-in-Chief is Irene H. Frieze. Articles appearing in Sex Roles are written from a feminist perspective, and topics span gender role socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, gender stereotypes, body image, violence against women, gender issues in employment and work environments, sexual orientation and identity, and methodological issues in gender research. Sex Roles is abstracted/indexed in:

Springer Science+Business Media Springer
Impact factor
0.743 (2008)

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Belly dancing improves body image and satisfaction

Belly dancers are more satisfied with their bodies and have better body image than young women who don't belly dance, new Flinders University research shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A father's influence makes for better grades

The warmth of a father's love has a special influence on young people, and makes them feel optimistic and determined to strive for greater things. It also boosts the math grades of teenage girls and the language ability of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Orgasm gap impacts how much women want one, study finds

A Rutgers-led study finds that when men and women have more frequent orgasms in their relationship, they want and expect more orgasms. The opposite happens when a person climaxes less often.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men, women lie about sex to match gender expectations

People will lie about their sexual behavior to match cultural expectations about how men or women should act – even though they wouldn't distort other gender-related behaviors, new research suggests.


No sex please, I'm a stressed new mom

(HealthDay)—First-time parents may see their sex life hit the skids if mom feels stressed about her parenting skills, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How sexual power can be disempowering

Gender roles and norms play a key role in sexual behavior between men and women. It is often assumed that men should dominate women sexually. This assumption may lead to loss of both power and the ability to control sexual ...

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