
Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Behavior of Alzheimer's-linked protein is revealed

Enzymes called kinases manage a wide range of cell processes, from metabolism, cell signaling, nutrient transport, and many others. Because they can affect so many different cell activities, kinases are tightly regulated ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research on HIF-2 featured in Nature, Structure

New insights into the potential for new classes of HIF inhibitors to restore control of the hypoxia response—representing the potential foundation of a new cancer-fighting strategy—are the focus of recently published ...

Oncology & Cancer

First 3-D map of cell-building protein linked to cancer

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute researchers have revealed for the first time the three-dimensional molecular 'map' of a protein that has been pinpointed as a driver of many types of cancers.


Engineering the immune system to kill cancer cells

In late 2015, former President Jimmy Carter announced that he was free of the metastatic melanoma that had spread to his liver and brain. In addition to surgery and radiation, Carter was treated with an immunotherapy drug, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Stop the growth: Researchers take aim at cancer metastasis

Most cancer drugs today work by attacking tumor growth. Researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute, however, are taking aim at a different piece of the cancer puzzle—preventing its ability to spread ...

Inflammatory disorders

Scientists reveal cellular clockwork underlying inflammation

Researchers at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech have uncovered key cellular functions that help regulate inflammation—a discovery that could have important implications for the treatment of allergies, ...


Exercise may slow progression of retinal degeneration

Moderate aerobic exercise helps to preserve the structure and function of nerve cells in the retina after damage, according to an animal study appearing February 12 in The Journal of Neuroscience. The findings suggest exercise ...

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