52 ways to find peace of mind

52 ways to find peace of mind
Anxiety Happens: 52 Ways to Find Peace of Mind is now available on Amazon and most major booksellers. Credit: University at Albany

A new book co-authored by a professor in the Department of Psychology offers 52 bite-sized chapters to help people navigate anxiety, stress and fear.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 30 percent of U.S. adults experience an disorder (such as panic disorder or ) at some point in their lifetime. According to John P. Forsyth, professor at UAlbany, many more people – essentially everyone – will experience occasional stress, anxiety, fear. But as much as anxiety is a "normal part of ," says Forsyth, it's also a source of frustration and despair, which can "uproot our happiness, peace of mind, and quality of life."

Just because some anxiety is normal doesn't mean there aren't ways to help cope with it, according to Forsyth and Georg Eifert, professor emeritus at Chapman University. Their new book, "Anxiety Happens: 52 Ways to Find Peace of Mind" offers "mindfulness strategies you can use anytime, anywhere to cultivate calm and radically transform your life." It is published by New Harbinger Publications and available on Amazon and most major book sellers.

"Anxiety happens—it's not a choice. But people can learn to not let anxiety take over and create ruin in their lives. This book offers 52 simple and powerful strategies to help people do just that," said Forsyth.

According to some critics, the book is small but influential; One review reads in part, "There are fifty-two weeks in the year, and fifty-two nuggets of gold glinting in this short book."

More information: Learn more about the book here: http://https//us4.campaign-archive.com/?u=bf4dd43c2180e916479d78df7&id=eade564f8c&e=743708bb1a

Citation: 52 ways to find peace of mind (2018, May 1) retrieved 27 June 2024 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-05-ways-peace-mind.html
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