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Ophthalmology news


Most kids get antibiotics for pink eye, study shows. Experts say they're usually not needed

Doctors are prescribing antibiotics to most kids and teens who have pink eye, despite guidelines that discourage their use, researchers reported Thursday.

Oncology & Cancer

Novel photodynamic therapy method can eradicate ocular melanoma, study shows

Researchers at the Optics and Photonics Research Center (CePOF) in Brazil and collaborators at the University of Toronto and Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Canada have reported for the first time the effective use of ...


A new way to monitor eye microcirculation

For the eyes to function properly, they must be adequately supplied with blood, and abnormalities in the microcirculation may indicate dysfunctions in other arteries, which are difficult to examine. For the first time, scientists ...


AI model to improve clinical trial recruitment for eye disease

A new artificial intelligence (AI) system that could significantly reduce the time and cost required to recruit clinical trial patients for an advanced form of age-related vision loss has been developed by a team led by UCL ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Surgery may benefit macular edema from Coats disease

Surgical drainage of large macular cysts in a patient with Coats disease resulted in an immediate resolution of edema and a gradual resolution of lipid exudates over one year. However, visual recovery was limited due to the ...


Research on the visual rabbit illusion takes a leap forward

Researchers from Kyushu University have uncovered new variations to a traditional illusion, based on how we perceive the motion of flashing lights. Published on May 21 in i-Perception, the findings show that when three light ...


New method allows quick measurement of photoreceptor response

Photoreceptors are the fundamental component of the entire vision process. These specialized cells that absorb light and trigger a specific physiological reaction in the body come in two varieties: cones (responsible for ...