American Institute of Biological Sciences

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is a non-profit scientific association that is dedicated to advancing biological research and education.


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Medical research

Ciliopathies lie behind many human diseases

In recent years, cilia, microscopic, tentacle-like extensions from biological cells, have risen from relative obscurity and are now considered important to the understanding of many human afflictions. In a December BioScience ...


Scientists should advance management of behavioral norms

Researchers should study how people's social and personal norms are influenced by behavior and use their insights to help governments promote pro-environmental actions, a distinguished group of scholars writes in the March ...


Could a dose of nature be just what the doctor ordered?

Numerous studies over the past 30 years have linked exposure to nature with improved human health and well-being. These findings are of growing importance: In the near future, 70% of the world's population will live in cities, ...