Page 10 - American Physiological Society

Medical research

Common prebiotic fiber mitigates harm of high-salt diet in rats

New research in rats finds a diet high in the prebiotic fiber inulin offered a protective effect against the damage of a high-salt diet. The research will be presented this week at the American Physiological Society (APS) ...

Medical research

Intermittent fasting protects kidneys of obese mice

New research in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity finds that time-restricted feeding improves markers of kidney and vascular health. The research will be presented this week at the American Physiological Society (APS) ...


NSAID improves vascular health in adults with severe depression

Science has long established a link between depression and cardiovascular disease, but the precise nature of the connection is less clear. In a new proof-of-concept study, researchers worked to zero in on the mechanism behind ...


High-fat diet induces high blood pressure in rat kidneys

A high-fat diet after 16 weeks induced hypertension in rats, according to researchers from Henry Ford Health and Wayne State University in Detroit. High blood pressure can lead to narrowing of the blood vessels throughout ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Kidney protein as potential target for treating autoimmune diseases

Approximately 23.5 million people in the U.S. have an autoimmune disease, and some studies suggest that number could be rising. New research using a mouse model for multiple sclerosis has uncovered a potential new area to ...

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