Page 6 - Association for Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Intelligence is in the genes, but where?

(Medical Xpress)—You can thank your parents for your smarts—or at least some of them. Psychologists have long known that intelligence, like most other traits, is partly genetic. But a new study led by psychological scientist ...


Investigating emotional spillover in the brain

Life is full of emotional highs and lows, ranging from enjoying an activity with a loved one and savoring a delicious meal to feeling hurt by a negative interaction with a co-worker or that recent scuffle with a family member. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Girls' verbal skills make them better at arithmetic

( -- While boys generally do better than girls in science and math, some studies have found that girls do better in arithmetic. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How Do We Recognize Faces?

How do we recognize a face? Do we pick out “local” features— an eye or a mouth— and extrapolate from there? Or do we take in the “global” configuration—facial structure, distance between ...


New evidence of an unrecognized visual process

(Medical Xpress) -- We don’t see only what meets the eye. The visual system constantly takes in ambiguous stimuli, weighs its options, and decides what it perceives. This normally happens effortlessly. Sometimes, however, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What's the psychological effect of violent video games on children?

(Medical Xpress) -- This week, the United States Supreme Court overturned a California law banning the sale or rental of violent video games to minors. But can a child’s behavior be directly influenced by playing a violent ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Downward head tilt can make people seem more dominant

We often look to people's faces for signs of how they're thinking or feeling, trying to gauge whether their eyes are narrowed or widened, whether the mouth is turned up or down. But findings published in the June 2019 issue ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Binary bias distorts how we integrate information

When we evaluate and compare a range of data points—whether that data is related to health outcomes, head counts, or menu prices—we tend to neglect the relative strength of the evidence and treat it as simply binary, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain can be trained in compassion, study shows

Until now, little was scientifically known about the human potential to cultivate compassion—the emotional state of caring for people who are suffering in a way that motivates altruistic behavior.

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