Page 3 - Bar-Ilan University


In visual memory, size matters

Every day we encounter images on the wall, in newspapers, books, and electronic devices. Some become etched in our memory and some don't. The elements influencing whether we remember one image and not the other aren't yet ...

Medical research

Transforming 'undone science' into 'done science'

Mannitol, a natural sweetener, may help treat Parkinson's disease, yet was not being tested in clinical trials. The story of mannitol is one of many examples of "undone science": research questions unfunded or ignored for ...

Oncology & Cancer

A new approach to treating leukemia

Researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have revealed a novel treatment approach in the fight against hematologic cancers.  The new method, developed by Prof. Mira Barda-Saad and her research team from the Mina and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new way to treat PTSD?

Exposure to a traumatic experience can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an incapacitating disorder in susceptible persons with no reliable therapy. Particularly puzzling is understanding how transient exposure ...

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